Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Gratitude Journal #1

Tonight I am grateful that my husband cooks. Now, I could just say that tonight I am grateful for my husband, but then that would take away like 57 future Gratitude Journal Entries, and if I’m going to do one a day, I have to be specific.

I am sitting at my computer blogging and reading others’ blogs. My husband is in the kitchen. He is making pies. Salinda is helping him. Kyle has made it safely home and is at his computer. Bedtime was horrendous tonight. Maybe I“ll blog about it tomorrow after I’ve slept and not in the middle of my gratitude journal.

Anyway, I am very grateful that my husband cooks. His plan for tomorrow is turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green been casserole, cranberries, homemade buttermilk roles, and pumpkin and pecan pie.

I will not cook a thing. I will do dishes and I will parent and I will probably help our kids do their annual Thanksgiving scrapbook, but I will not have to cook a single thing. And the meal will be absolutely delicious.

There are a whole lot of things that I love about my husband, but if this was the ONLY thing I liked about him it would make him a ”keeper.“

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