Friday, November 25, 2005

Gratitude Journal #3

Tonight I am thankful for several hours of calm over the past couple days. Holidays for us are usually so horrible. There is usually so much stress that I count the minutes until school starts again. This weekend I’ve been having trouble figuring out how to fit everything in to this weekend. There are so many things I want to do alone and with the kids that I don’t usually get to do when they are in school that I’m almost sad that they are going back on Monday.

Unfortunately, I don’t have years of blogging to look back on, because if I did, you would see many holidays of pure torture that I have lived through. You would see many many days where I was pushed to the brink of my nerves and sanity and found myself very angry and resentful.

We have had 9 kids home of our ten this week and we hardly resemble our former selves. Sure, there are moments of chaos, and times when people are annoyed with one another, but there are several stretches of hours at a time where no one has a meltdown and everything is calm. So tonight I am grateful for the calm and the progress that it represents.

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