Sunday, November 27, 2005

Gratitude Journal #4

I want to thank God for Kyle for many reasons. We celebrated his 19th birthday yesterday and he would be the first to tell you that we haven’t exactly had lots of good years.

Kyle moved in at 11 not wanting to be adopted and certainly not wanting a mom. He was used to being smarter than anyone else in his birth family, parents included, and thus he told them what to do and they listened. As you can imagine, that did not go over well with me. He tried to tell me what to do and THAT did not result in positive disource. He moved in at 11, high screechy voice and a chip on his shoulder. He certainly wasn’t going to have anything to do with me. In retrospect, I took him way too seriously.

To his father’s credit, Kyle has, in many ways, exceeded our expectations. He’s done very well in many respects. This holiday weekend was the first one where he was actually able to remain appropriate throughout the weekend without some kind of argument or meltdown and it was fun to see his maturity.

I’m thankful for Kyle because of what God has done in his life and the person he is becoming. But I’m also thankful because of the many things that parenting him has taught me. I’m not sure how I’d be surviving Tony at this point, for example, if it weren’t for Kyle.

He’s heading back to college in 20 minutes, and it’s been nice to have him home.

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