Friday, November 18, 2005

Home Again Home Again Jiggity Jog

Unbelievable. This entire week went without a hitch. No travel delays, no flight problems, never got lost, no accidents or near accidents, no technological difficulties, hotels were nice... a perfect trip.

I’m now home for a few minutes until at least one kid gets here who is going to help me go run and grab a birthday gift and quick wrap it and take it to the party Dominyk is at. Then I’m heading to the grocery store to buy something easy for tonight and stuff for beans tomorrow.

I also need to fax time sheets for my PCAs, finish going through my mail, and catch up on all my friend’s blogs.

And then I need to blog in more detail about the trip and about Bill.

So, now you know what I will be doing tonight -- if I don’t collapse first. Getting up at 3:45 is not really my style.

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