Monday, November 28, 2005

How am I?

All of the readers out there who want to know how I am this morning, may wish they had never asked.

I checked the TV very carefully as there is a storm coming, and by 7 a.m. there was NOTHING about our school district on the TV. So I woke everyone up and got them ready for school and out the door and dropped them off at a school that appeared open. They came running back out to say school was 2 hours late.

So, after being off for almost all of last week, the social workers around the country are going to be emailing me and I’m trapped in an office listening to Dominyk saw a 2 liter pop bottle in half for a project and Tony and Jimmy fighting in the background.

I know I said I wasn’t looking forward to them going back a few days ago, but by yesterday I was ready. This is not the first time that school has not started on time the day after Thanskgiving and it’s just bad timing. It will probably turn into a snow day.

The kids are thrilled beyond belief and I am NOT one of those touchy feely moms who wants to jump up and say “OH COOL. No School! Let’s go bake cookies.” Especially not when my inbox is filling more rapidly than I can respond to messages and post them.

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