Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A message to "My Readers"

More and more I’m finding out that there are people reading my blog who don’t tell me they are reading it. One recently confessed that she felt like she was “spying”.

I just wanted to make a note that all voyeurs are welcome. I write in such a way that anyone in the world can read what I right and so that I don’t get dooced. I welcome any readers from any walk of life to peek into our lives and to hopefully learn something from it all.

I have never been able to keep a consistent journal, so the blog has served that purpose. But I would never be able to keep going if I didn’t know there were people out there who are reading it and following our lives.

This blog is a way in which I can “redeem” the situations we are faced with. If going through it vicariously with me, readers can have a response that is positive then I have fulfilled my purpose. Whether the response is anger that leads to action, compassion, or even awareness of issues, then it is worth it. It’s a way in which the bad things that happen to us (and the good) can be put to use.

So drop on in any time and read, even if you don’t let anyone know you have, and even if you don’t comment . . . because any time a person can be influenced to care more about the things I care about I am encouraged.

World Vision founder Dr. Bob Pierce once wrote on the flyleaf of his Bible, “Let my heart be broken by the things that break the heart of God.” It is my hope that the things that break my heart are the ones that break the heart of God, and that in writing about them, your heart will also be broken.

And it is in that breaking of the heart that change can come, because as Bob Pierce and World Vision have changed the lives of countless hungry and poverty stricken children around the world, it is my hope that we can change the lives of the thousands of children, especially older ones, who live in foster care.

To this end I pray, I hope, I work, and I blog.... so read on.

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