Monday, November 07, 2005

My Love/Hate Relationship

I have been passionately in love for about 15 years with Macintosh computers. I bought my first in 1989 -- it was a Macintosh IIci. My boss at the time named him Freddy Mac. And since then I have had many -- a first generation powerbook to replace Freddy when he was stolen, and then, several IMacs, including a G4. Now I have had, for 18 months, a Dual processor G-5, which I love and I have an older Titanium Powerbook that I travel with.

I sit in front of my G-5 for 10-12 hours at least almost every day. And when it is doing what I want it to do I am completely enamored. But today, for some reason, it hasn’t been, so then I begin the hate part of the love/hate relationship.

I have way too much to do to be having computer problems. Thank God I don’t have a Windows system, or this would be my experience more than once every 3-4 months.

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