Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Not Quite Settled

I feel unsettled about yesterday's presentation. I'm not sure exactly what it was -- can't really put a finger on it, but here are a few possibilities:

1) I talked too much about myself;
2) Our experience with the county has tainted me too much;
3) I didn't feel like I connected well enough with some of the audience;
4) I got the sense from some people that they viewed me as idealistic, and that they had done the job a long time and that that I just hadn't been around long enough to realize that it wasn't going to work.

I also realized that I have been practicing some risky social worker. I have been willing to take chances and some of them have been big chances, for which I have received some criticism. However, these chances have worked out to this point...

I wonder if in this field, we can make anything happen without taking chances? I think we need to take MORE chances, not less. Because the alternative often is unacceptable.

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