Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sunday Morning

Burning the CD of the multimedia for the morning and attempting not to get too angry with kids who aren’t doing what they are supposed to be doing. Always a challenge getting everyone up and ready on Sunday mornings.

Last night I had fun chatting with Cindy and her son Edgar, whose picture is on her blog. Their house was wild while I was talking to them and it was fun to contrast that with the calm that we actually experienced for a while last night.

Bart is back home and all is well. It’s nice to all be back where we belong. Bart and I will both be home for two weeks straight -- longest than we’ve been together without one of us travelling since June or July....

Then tomorrow I will be back at it setting up post-placement visits and getting ready for the December matching bash, cleaning up emails from last week while I was gone, etc....

My goal is to have my book typed and formatted by the end of Thanksgiving break.... I have about 12 more chapters to type and I’ve got about 16 chapters formatted so far, so it’s a lofty goal.

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