Thursday, November 17, 2005

Time Zones and Confusion and the Start of a New Day

This morning we have to leave a little earlier as we have a 90 minute drive to get to the presentation sight in Pasco, WA. This has been a confusing week because of time zones.

We are currently on Pacific time (6:30 here), but our rental car is on Mountain time (7:30) my family is in Central time (8:30) and Bill's office and his "lady friend" (He'll love that) are in the Eastern Time Zone (9:30). We have spent a great deal of time listening to each other talk on the phone, so it's been wild trying to figure out what time it is where we are and where we're calling.

This is our last day of speaking and I'm kind of sad. Yesterday was so energizing that I'm not nearly as tired today as I am sometimes when we do three days in a row.

Many people are rethinking their attitudes about large families, but, more importantly, they are renewing their passion for finding homes for tough kids.

Bart did a presentation last night about "teaching spiritual truths to kids with FAS" in the Twin Cities and he felt it went very well. It's always a good feeling when we feel like what we have experienced, the good and the bad, can have an impact on others and doesn't stop with us.

I left my comb in the car so I'll be having a bad-hair day..... (now THAT was an essential piece of information)

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