Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Definitely Time to go to Bed

For some reason I am exhausted tonight and my kids are still raring to go. My husband has a meeting that will last until at least 10 and I just want to sleep. I wrapped all morning and then did 7 straight intense hours of statistics and follow-up at the computer, followed by dinner, Christmas cards, and rides home from the pool.

Now in my incredibly exhausted and overtired emotional state, I discover by surfing that 7th Heaven will be done at the end of last season. Now, I don’t watch much TV. I don’t have time for it. Last year I was down to 4 shows: Judging Amy, Everwood, 7th Heaven and an occassional ER. By the end of the year I was just too tired of ER after watching it for years, so I phased it out. Then they cancelled Judging Amy and I was down to two shows, Everwood and 7th heaven.

(I could have sworn that I blogged about them cancelling Judging, but I can’t find the blog entry and that troubles me -- just wasted ten minutes trying to find it).

At any rate, my kids won’t go to bed and now I’ll have to say goodbye to the Campdens, a family I have joined weekly for seven years -- the week that their twins were born, our 3 kids moved in and we both went to 7 kids on the same week... My friends will disappear from my life.

See, it’s defnitely time for me to go to bed.


  1. Your not crazy, you did blog once about Judging Amy. Specifically, about MAxine. I was a devout follower of that show and I remember you mentioning it in a post. But i don't know which one.

  2. Just in case it matters anymore, your post about "Judging Amy" was in Nov 2005.

    It is between the Nov 8th post about The Value Of Children, then that post about "Judging Amy" which is titled "On My Docket", and then after that is the post about Rand passing his Permit test, which is titled "Third Times A Charm"

    Don't know if you still want that info, but there it is for ya!
