Thursday, December 15, 2005


Last night I had three very distinct dreams.

1) We were going to adopt again. Three sibling groups of three were our choices. One of them was a group of a boy and two younger girls who were using walkers because they were amputees. Another was a group of 3 guatemalan kids from the orphanage, 2 girls and a boy. The third was a Hispanic group from Texas with one of my favorite workers there and she wasn’t going to choose us. This was two boys and a girl. We had it figured out how we were going to fit them in our 5 bedroom house, along with our ten other kids, but I don’t remember now how. The bottom line was though, that we were probably going to end up with none of the groups because no one would choose us.

2) Tom Cruise was in love with me. No kidding, he really was. It was a detailed dream full of hotel elevators, contests, challenges, etc., but don’t get any racy ideas -- we never ended up in a hotel room.

3) I figured out how to host my own blog using WordPress, something I battled with one weekend in real life and never accomplished.

One of the things I love about myself is my ability to dream. My dreams are nearly always interesting and entertaining, and never scary.

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