Monday, December 05, 2005

Exhausted at 8 a.m.

I woke up this morning all motivated. I thought I was going to really give it a go today ... my work load for both of my “jobs” right now is very high and I tried to spend most of the weekend not working so that I could get the calendars done and have that off my mind.

So, I was rehearsing in my mind how it was all going to go. I was going to pace myself and just do one thing at a time, crossing things off as I went.

But we had a HORRIBLE morning. I won’t go into detail, but the bottom line is this: it was -13 below (regular temperature, not wind chill) so I was giving rides to school, even though it is about 2 blocks away. Problem is that everyone gets ready at a different time. When they walk, it is no big deal, because they just go when they are ready. But when I have to give a ride I either have to force them to at the same time or make four or five trips.

This morning I made a bad choice and the stress level in the house started to climb until I got sucked into it and then the morning was a gonner. Those who were ready were yelling at those who weren’t -- seated and doing nothing but yelling of course, while I was running around trying to help the ones who weren’t ready find what they needed and trying to get the ones who are on meds that hadn’t kicked in yet to simply FOCUS and do what they were supposed to do.

By the time I returned from dropping theme all off, I had nothing left. So now I have hours of work in front of me and absolutely no emotional energy to compel me through it.

Maybe just the thought that any of you who read this THINK I’m better than this will compel me to prove you right and post later that I regrouped, moved forward, and conquered the pain. Speaking of pain, my elbow.......

whine, whine, whine.

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