Friday, December 02, 2005

Gratitude Journal #5 (Happy Birthday JIMMY!)

If you have been reading the book I’m writing, you’ll remember us deciding to get Yimy. It was a tough decision as we had not yet adopted internationally and it took a while for us to be sure. I distinctly remember getting my hair cut and the woman who does it, a friend and member of our church, asking why would consider adding again. I told her about the plight of all the orphans and her reply was “well, there are hundreds of them. Why do you think you’re supposed to take one more when you already have 8?” I was trying to come up with a good response, and possibly even trying to convince myself that we shouldn’t say yes.

For this reason, I specifically asked God for confirmation that we were supposed to make Yimy, (now Benjamin, or JImmy) a part our family. Soon after that, I heard this song and it totally touched me. I kept listening to it again and again on my Church Nerds CD until it was imbedded deep inside me and tears were flowing.

Here are the lyrics with the ones that stood out most to me bolded.

I don’t know you, you don’t know me
But that don’t mean there's no responsibility

If you’re cold and I walk by
If you’re hungry and I just say “hi”

If you’re spirit’s worn and you’re bodies tired
And I say “Pray, and you’ll be inspired”

If I don’t hold you close until you’re body’s warm
If I don’t feed you ‘til you’re belly’s full
If I don’t welcome you into my home
Then my faith is dead and you’re all alone

Like a body with no spirit, or a candle with no flame
Like a window painted over or the help that never came
Like a storm without a rainbow or a bird that never sings
Faith without action dies, it’s a bell that never rings.

People walk by, people don’t care
They’re headed to their limousine to go somewhere instead
People are comfy, people are cozy
People are rich and their cheeks are rozy
Lexus, BMW, Mercedes Benz
Baluga caviar and plated pens
Capitalistic oppression, systemic sin
The rich get richer and the poor never win
They're building their walls higher and higher
with the money that extinguishes hunger’s fire

Like a body with no spirit, or a candle with no flame
Like a window painted over or the help that never came
Like a storm without a rainbow or a bird that never sings
Faith without action dies, it’s a bell that never rings.

If I know God and the golden rule
Then I’ve got no business ignoring you

Hello mother, father, or my best friend
brother, sister can I help you mend
Can I hold you close and never let go,
and there’s something else that you ought to know
Oh you’ve got a spirit, your candle a flame
and after the rainbow there might be more rain
After the healing come their might be some pain
But you’ll never be alone again.

Like a body with no spirit, or a candle with no flame
Like a window painted over or the help that never came
Like a storm without a rainbow or a bird that never sings
Faith without action dies, it’s a bell that never rings.

I don’t know you, you don’t know me
But that don’t mean there's no responsibility

Tears still come to my eyes because of the direct confirmation I received and because I can’t imagine life without Jimmy. He turned fourteen today. He’s been with us four years. He is the happiest kid and almost always has a smile. He loves to please and is always helpful. He loves his mom and thinks she is “VERY smart.” And he is devoted to his dad as well. Most of the time he is kind to his siblings. He’s really a joy. He’s the designated clown and tries very hard to make us laugh. This picture is very characteristic of him.

To think that he was on the verge of shining shoes at the Guatemala City airport and living on the streets breaks my heart. I’m SO glad that we said yes the summer of 2000 and invited Jimmy to be our son. A decision I’ve not regretted for even a day.

I'm grateful for you Jimmy, and so very proud of you!

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