Thursday, December 08, 2005

GRATITUDE journal #8

Wow. Starting the day doesn’t get much better than this.

It is 7:50. All of my kids are at school. The morning was free of meltdowns. I think everyone has their stuff.

My laundry room floor is BARE. The washer and dryer are going, but I am caught up, literally for the first time in months. If you don’t believe me, go through the archives of my blog and you will see that the last time this happened, I blogged about it, because it is RARE.

My email inbox has EIGHT messages in it. My rule for myself is that I have to keep messages there until I deal with them, and these are ones I can’t do anything about at this moment, so in essence, that is cleared up.

All of my deadlines are met. I am crawling out of the zone.

In an hour we are heading off to Christmas shop and eat at Boston Gourmet Pizza where I love the Chicken Tai Pizza pictured. Should be a pretty decent day. Tonight is the church staff Christmas party.

So I have one hour to work on this horribly untidy desk and order some gifts online for Christmas. But there is no better way to start the day than with the laundry room floor bare and the inbox cleaned out! I’m feeling at the TOP of my game right now....

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