Tuesday, December 20, 2005

He Gets It -- or at least it looks that way for now

Therapist was great. Been doing this a LONG time, has a previous career in managing residential treatment centers, and does group therapy for sexual offenders as well as therapy. Thus, he is what I call “pulseless” -- one of those people who can calm him self down so much that it appears he has no buttons that can be pushed.

He has also dealt with “troubled” adolescents for many, many years, and is not reactionary at all. He was very good about talking with us and with John. He also is on board to help us with Mike whenever he transitions home. And he’s a United Methodist, so we can’t go wrong there, right? :-)

We are excited, and a little apprehensive, about having John home. He certainly has the ability in our family system to create chaos or create calm, and we know that he does and he knows that he does, so hopefully he will make good choices.

We did a little bit of shopping and ate out before coming home. When I arrived, I had to lie down for a while and when I awakened I had three or four of “my” families calling or emailing me needing to talk. When it rains it pours.

Finished one home visit, have another tonight....

1 comment:

  1. Let's hear it for a therapist who "gets it!" Yeah!!

    The families you work with are so blessed to have you, Claudia. You know the pain and frustration that comes from parenting hurt kids but because of your passion and hope you inspire others to do the same. Your husband preaches sermons in his position in the church, but the sermon you both LIVE is the one that is most powerful. ~Kari
