Friday, December 16, 2005

How Cool is This?

I'm at the home visit I mentioned when blogging this morning. They have an AIrport hooked up (a mac wireless basestation) that my powerbook hooks right into the moment I walk in the door. The oldest of their children was suspended from school so the mom had to unexpectedly go pick him up and I am here waiting for them to arrive.

Anyway, that is cool, but not as cool as this:

When we got to the staffing for John this morning, he had more achievement points than we thought and they set a discharge date of the 30th of THIS MONTH. In two weeks, he will finally be home. He was surprised, but I think thrilled, and very nervous. He is not that nervous about reintegrating into our family -- he's had several home visits and has been home almost every weekend for the last 6 weeks. However, he is nervous about coming back into the community and who his friends will be.

Fortunately, everyone is in agreement that he can remain at the school at the ranch for the remainder of the school year. This should really help in his transition as he will still be connected to the people there, will not have to go back to public school, and will not have the before and after school temptations of earlier years.

He's home this weekend, then home again from the 22-27, and then we'll pick him up for good on the 30th. That's only two weeks away!! We're pretty excited.

Roads weren't bad and I'm half way through my driving task for today, which is a good thing. Sure am looking forward to a night alone!

Thanks, Bart for giving me this gift and being home with the 8 kids by yourself. You're the best!

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