Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Never Ending Milk Battle

Our kids get free breakfast and lunch at school. Long story. Boring. Not giving details.

Anyway, an extra milk costs a quarter. For four years now, the kids, without our permission, take an extra milk and we get charged for it. Here’s how it has gone every single year for for years.

Me: Extra milks are showing up on the bill. Are you having extra milks?

Kid: No, Mom, it’s not me. It’s ________ (fill in the blank with a name of a sibling).

Me; Well, you know I can call and find out.

Kid: Well, it’s not me.

Then I call the school after about 3 or 4 bucks get racked up, equalling 12 or 16 milks. The school tells me exactly who took each and every milk and can tell me which date if I need them too. So, the kid comes home, and I tell them.

Me: Well, it looks like you weren’t telling the truth about the milks.

Kid: What? I didn’t take any milk.

Me: The school says you had 6 (or 8 or 7 or 5 or whatever).

Kid: They DID? (Same surprised look EVERY SINGLE year).

Me: Yes, they keep track, remember?

Kid: Well, they must have made a mistake.

Me: I don’t think so. You’ll be paying me back from your allowance.

Kid: I didn’t take any extra milks.

Me: Yeah, whatever.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like my house! I've given up and just told them to keep the extra milks to a minimum.
