Saturday, December 03, 2005

Not sure what to think

Need to process, and since I’m an extrovert, and no adults are home, I have to process “verbally” by writing.

Mike just called and talked to me for the first time in months. I tried to explain to him that we needed a little space before he starts asking us to buy him things. I said something to the effect of, “Last weekend you refused our calls and a potential visit, this week you are asking for gifts. Just give us a little time and space.”

He says he would like to come home but that is tied with living on his own. If it wouldn’t be such a fiasco and we were legally allowed to let him do so, I would be tempted to have him try it.

He thinks if he is there a few months he’ll be able to save enough to get his own place. He says they get .50 a chore, but it usually adds up to be about a dollar a day. He has heard that after six months kids are leaving there with about $3,000. His FAS allowed him to believe that added up.

I would love to just tell them to send him home and let us try one more time. He is certainly caught in a system that he has no business in. His main issue is faulty thinking and just needs to learn to trust us to help him do the thinking. But his RAD keeps him from being able to do that.

I wish someone could just look in a crystal ball for a few seconds to decide what we should do, but lately I’m pretty convinced that he isn’t going to be “successful” anywhere, and that he needs to be with us being unsuccessful instead of somewhere else.

But maybe I’m being overly optimistic. Who knows.

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