Saturday, December 10, 2005


This morning my husband was watching the “Food Neck-work” (as Dominyk calls it) and there was Rachel Ray. At some point over the last few months, Bart had revealed, jokingly I assume, to one of the children that he thought Rachel Ray was hot. Well, Dad saying someone is hot is pretty big news around here, so it travelled fast. Now they think it is hilarious to point out to me often that Dad thinks that Rachel Ray is hot.

I pointed out to him this morning that it matters very little how hot someone is if they are ANNOYING. I am sure he can’t possibly think she is as annoying as I do with her ever persistent perky happiness or he wouldn’t be able to watch her. So, this morning, for just a few minutes, I pretended to be Rachel Ray in personality. I flitted around the room using many hand gestures, exaggerated facial expressions, and a loud cheery voice to explain how I intended for my morning to go. And he pretended to love it and ask that I be that way all the time.

On Thurssay night at our staff christmas party for the church I was pretending to be a “good” pastor’s wife. I did all kinds of things that I never do. I stood right at his elbow. I smiled politely and spoke softly. I did exactly what I was supposed to do. After a while folks got suspicious and I explained to a few what I was trying to do. They found it amusing.

I have always been completely and totally me. I never really ever cared about what others thought of me (which is a good thing now that the world thinks I’m crazy, our retired neighbors think we’re an insult to their environment, and I’m a pastor’s wife who doesn’t work in the kitchen). I have always just been the genuine authentic me.

So, everyonceandawhile it’s fun to pretend, as long as I don’t have to do it for very long.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel Ray is the most annoying person around. I hope in your imitation, you chuckled like a dork and repeated, over and over, "How cool is that?"

    You are SO much hotter than Rachel Ray.
