Thursday, January 05, 2006

Complete Failure (and other ramblings)

Guess how many of the things I on my to-do list I got done today? ONE.

yes, just one. I had tons of phone calls and interruptions, and I also had the avalanche of emails I was anticipating earlier in the week.

The Senior Dining experience always cracks me up. First of all, the desserts are on the table when we sit down. Before the serving line begins serving lunch. the desserts are gone and the helpers are picking them up. I find this hilarious. Life is short, eat your dessert first is definitely the motto.

Another thing I find funny is that we go once a year and we seem to have the same conversation every year. Today we were sitting with three women who went to either grade school or high school together and are now turning 90. They are awesome people, don’t get me wrong, but it makes me laugh that last year we talked about the same thing with the same people. Some of this is due to my husband, who hears a story as new every time it is totally new.

Tonight has been another exhausting endeavor. I picked up John, got gas, got a snack for him to thank him for willingly pumping my gas even though he was mad at me for not being willing to give him a ride to get his ears pierced. (I told him I would not pay for it, nor aid him in getting it done, but I would not stop him either). On my way to get John I had to call the clinic and the school to set things up for Bart to take Rand to get his ears checked (yes, infected, antibiotics picked up by Bart). After picking up John I spent time on the phone scheduling and rescheduling John’s IEP meeting for tomorrow just to have it end up at exactly the same time it was scheduled for.

After arriving back to our town, I then tried to find Tony, as his PCA was sick, so he didn’t pick him up at school, thus Tony decided not to come home. I couldn’t find him.

I went to the game and 10 minutes into it I saw Tony walking through the gym. After the game I found him and he immediately said he had been watching almost all of JImmy’s game. (I was there, he lied) told him he had 10 minutes to get home. I explained that if he was mature enough to decide to stay after school for 2 hours then he could get himself to and from school and wrestling practice (we live two blocks away, but it was about 20 degrees).

I then came home to several phone calls. I must add this because I told her I would and she reads this -- I have a great family i’m working with who is matched with two kids in TX and it is taking a long time for them to get here. However, the adoptive mom has diagnosed OCD and so far since March I have received exactly 328 emails from her -- and multiple phone calls. She tries to restrain herself, and I truly don’t mind. In fact I find the whole thing enjoyable. however, she now reads my blog and I’m still debating whether or not giving her the URL was a good idea. :-)

Then it was time for Mike to come home and have several annoying and frustrating conversations with me, which was followed by supper, complete with 2 classic Jimmy-isms. Jimmy does the most interesting things with words. For example, tonight he announced that they were studying a new religion in school -- Booty-ism. The older boys got a good laugh out of that. Then he later said all you have to do in order to find stuff on the internet is to look in Suffer-y. (We finally figured out it was Safari he was trying to say).

Then Mike, attempting to earn money, helped with dishes, complete with some more extremely annoying FAS conversations, and John coming in to poke me in the stomach. He has been doing it way too much and he thinks he’s so funny, but I’m going to have to put a stop to it.

Then my internet was out for 2 hours and I think someone messed with it on purpose, but I fixed it. And the printer we bought Kyle for Christmas is not mac-compatible, which makes me want to scream cuz it was my error.

And to top it all off, the only show I try to watch any more won’t have a new episode until March 9th. What is up with THAT?

Maybe tomorrow I’ll blog about all of the annoying John and Mike conversations I’ve had today, but for now I’m going up to start bedtime for the littles. We’ve got it divided now --one of us does the teens and one of us does the littles at night.... I think tonight is my turn for the littles.

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