Friday, January 06, 2006


Busy but good day so far.


I made Mike laugh on our way to therapy. We stopped at McDonalds and the woman had a mustache. Now, I’m not being mean -- I have one too, but mine is blonde and hard to see. Hers wasn’t. As soon as I shut my window, Mike said, “she has a mustache.” I replied, “Yeah, when she said ”have a nice day“ I almost blurted out, ”Have a nice shave“ by accident.” He just laughed. Said I was funny. A compliment from MIke. Unusual.

The school psychologist said that she was amazed at how well I had handled the situation with the superintendent on Tuesday.

Today, after a LONG challenging IEP meeting for John, which was a follow up of Tuesday’s meeting, the area Education Coop person who contracts with the ranch, leaned over and said to me, “You do an amazing job of advocating for your son -- just excellent.”

And in that same meeting, John said he “agreed with his parents.” Amazing.

Finally, John received so many compliments that he felt great and I did too.... he’s come such a long way.

Now I just have to make it through our first wrestling tournament of the year and then I can go to BED!

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