Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Day at My Desk -- Finally

Other than our annual recognition lunch at the Senior Dining Center, and a quick trip to Sioux Falls to pick up John, and an afterschool basketball game, and several loads of laundry, the rest of the day I get to spend at my desk. Now, I realize that this is of no benefit to anyone but myself (one of those selfish blog entries) but it gives me a sense of accomplishment to list what I need to do and then report later what I got done.

So the list:

Home study update #1 mailed to courthouse, family 1
Home study update #2 completed, family 2
Report to Court sent to courthouse, family 3
Call for initial homestudy visit, family 4
Set up post-placement visit for family 3
Clean off desk
Do follow up
Begin Matching Bash Charts
Laundry, laundry, laundry...

If I can even get half of that done today, I’ll be successful

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