Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Don't Ask

I had two meetings this morning about education for Mike and John. Don’t ask how they went or I might start to rant about this, which would lead to other rants and more rants.

Bottom line is, I just sat down to work for the first time today and it’s 12:25. I only have 2.5 hours until the kids come home.

Mike will be gone from 7-5, the way transportation works out. The school would like to transition him back to public school within a few weeks. Mike would love that, but we’re nervous about that plan to say the least.

John’s transportation is not approved as we had thought, so we had to take him to school this morning and bring him home. Bart just stayed in Sioux Falls for the day -- went to the seminary library, etc., got the oil changed... Tomorrow I have meetings there as well, so transportation won’t be an issue. Hopefully soon they will approve what we misguidedly thought was already approved. Of course, John is not in our custody yet, even though he is living at home, so we can’t make any decisions without the social worker, and she’s on vacation.

Now I’m actually going to try to get something done.

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