Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Giving Up for Now

What a frustrating morning. Am finally down to 128 emails, but I’ve going steady all morning. Even forgot laundry, so only 2 loads got done. Dominyk has strep throat and is contagious, so he can’t go to school. He doesn’t feel THAT bad though, because his OCD mind has been running, and thus his mouth, for the last hour about how bored he is, and how there is nothing to do and how much he hates having strep throat. Very difficult to concentrate.

I’m going to go lie down with him and hopefully get him to rest and get some myself before I have to leave for appointments. The pressure of catching up before surgery is increasing, but my output is not, and thus I’m getting nowhere.

Stuck in a rut, huh? Boring blog...

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