Sunday, January 08, 2006

Have I mentioned this Before.... Yes, I have....

but I LOVE to match. “Matching” in my world is matching waiting families with waiting children. I have developed an elaborate system developed that I use to do it. Tonight I sat down with intentions of doing other things. I organized some stuff on my desk, started working on a to-do list for tomorrow, worked on some organization for my job, got some family paperwork filled out, but I can’t wait any longer, I have to work on my matching for a while. I just love doing it so much.

Getting the kids home is the most emotionally rewarding thing I’ve done (besides getting my own kids home and raising them) in the past ten years. It’s such a rush. But I love the process as well-- the stats, the record keeping, the follow up, the mental gymnastics of searching my brain to find a family up there for a posted kid or a kid or sib group for a registered family.

It’s sort of like a strategy game, and I’m addicted. People keep asking me if I think I’m going to get tired of it, and since I do it for literally hours a week, I should, but I never do. I like it better than almost anything else.

So, I’m going to reward myself for other things I’ve accomplished by “letting myself” match. Sometimes even I realize how weird I am.

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