Thursday, January 19, 2006

Incredible Thought

Ran across this quote on this blog and I thought it was quite profound. It really sums what I try to tell people all the time when parenting tough kids:

I once read a story in some therapist's book about how years after working with a family, he met the daughter, who had been a rebellious teenager, an all-around "problem child," and the focus of the family's treatment.  As an adult she was, much to the therapist's surprise, living a stable, constructive, independent, and happy life.  He asked her what had finally worked, what had finally turned her around.  And she said that nothing had worked, that her parents had tried everything possible, and nothing had helped.  But, she said, what had made the difference was that they had never stopped trying.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Thank you for putthing this in your blog--I really need to hear this!!
