Thursday, January 12, 2006


Sometimes the downside of blogging every day is that when you are having a bad stretch, your blog sounds whiny and pathetic.

I have figured out that I must be going through a period of anticipatory grief about losing my good friend, food. I will try to blog about this later.

But this cloud of grief is overshadowing the rest of my life and even though the kids are doing OK, this “depression” combined with the never ending workload and lack of sleep is almost overwhelming. Add to that that sometime in the next six weeks we could find out we’re moving, and I’m a basket case.

This morning I decided, since Dominyk was going to be home sick, that the rest of the kids could get off with Bart’s help and I could sleep, since I haven’t been sleeping well. I had turned off the phone yesterday and hadn’t turned it back on, so I figured I’d get an extra 90 minutes. By the time everyone left and I settled down and fell back asleep, it was about 8:05. And, someone had plugged the phone back in, which promptly woke me up at 8:20. SO, I stayed in bed an extra 90 minutes to sleep for 15. And today I’m gone almost all day long and won’t even be able to rest.

Hopefully I’ll get over my slump and my blog will actually be enjoyable to read sometimes (although readership is up now!) What’s with that you SICK PEOPLE!


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