Friday, January 13, 2006

Maybe not back in the saddle, but certainly on the horse

After plugging away for six and a half hours straight, with breaks only to pee and eat everything i can fit in my soon to be restricted stomach, I am definitely back in the game. Inbox is remaining empty, report to court is completed and a post placement report written. Almost everything that I absolutely had to have done in regards to my jobs before surgery is now complete. I only have a couple of projects left hanging over my head for the week after surgery.

Since tonight is single parenting and a wrestling tournament, it is my plan to lie down for a while before the kids come home. This is something that I recommend to adoptive parents all the time. Sleep deprivation and parenting tough kids do not go well together. I have a little litmus test that I take every afternoon around 1:30 or 2:00 p.m. I ask myself, “Are you excited about facing your kids at 3?” If I have an overwhelming sense of dread that hits me straight in the gut, I stop everything, call the dog, and we head upstairs.

I unplug the phone, turn on Bart’s c-pap for white noise, and lie down with the comforter pulled over me, for 30-45 minutes. I love those times when I can tell myself that for that moment in time everything is OK and just relax. When I get up, things seem to be much better every time.

So, I’m rewarding myself and preparing myself for their arrival...

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