Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A New Day

I have come to grips with the fact that I will not be able to finish everything I have to do by myself. So I am going to try to get my friend Mary to help me out while I go from city to city and place to place today. I have to be in Sioux Falls and in Worthington today, as well as at the Luverne Hospital for pre-surgery testing.

Last night after dinner Mike volunteered to clear and wipe off the table. He also helped Bart fold laundry. This is completely unexpected and new, never been seen before, behavior. He has never been willing to help out at all, even when begged. Then when John saw how swamped I was with work, he started to do dishes on his own, but there was so much to do, that I went in to help him. It took us an hour. If I would have done it alone it would have been two (and, just so you know, this was only a days worth).

So this morning I feel more positive and hopefully I will get done what has to be done. If not, it will not be the end of the world, it will just be the first time I didn’t get it all done...

And Dominyk is the last one hear and I just overheard him say, "I really have to go find my stuff for school now, Gizmo. I'll scratch your stomach after school -- at about 3:00, OK?"

How can you not have a good day when it starts like that?

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