Monday, January 09, 2006

OK, Here's My Thought -- a new lesson/tip

I have been lost in the quicksand of email all morning long. And even though I’ve sent over 100, more keep coming in and I still have 158 in the box. I’m also trying to get charts done for a matching bash on Wed and Thurs.

This is the thought that I had this morning. My parenting is improving because I have learned this is lesson:

Every ounce of emotional energy that I add to a conflict situation increases the blowup ten fold.

Pulseless is really the goal. If I raise my voice, my blood sugar, or my blood pressure in response to a child’s attitude or meltdown, not only am I sucked into it, but I actually contribute to it and it escalates.

But it is SO hard not to. It’s a challenge beyond Survivor and beyond Fear Factor for me. I am not a non-responsive person. By nature, I am NOT mellow, laid back, calm. I fix things, and I fix them by telling people what to do.

By forcing myself to relax and not react, to seek calm more than anything else, I exhaust myself.

But I am learning that it is he ONLY way...

1 comment:

  1. very good thought. i am very much the same, bordering on bossy/holier-than-thou/naggy etc. am having a hard time with this lately because im pregnant and have a 6 yr old and apparently that combo for me results in zero patience. pulseles... ill try my best lol like you said in a previous post, one day/hour/minute at a time
