Wednesday, January 18, 2006

An Overachiever

I loved today because it was so easy to overachieve. I always like to do more than expected, and today I was able to do so by doing anything. Everyone kept telling me to rest and not to push myself, but I wasn’t tired and I felt really pretty good. Plus, I can’t do a lot of the stuff I usually do (laundry, dishes, driving) so I had extra time to do other things I wanted to do.

I was able to work for 4 hours today as well as to help the kids tidy the kitchen for Bart (he had a bad headache and actually felt worse than I did for a while). I also messed with ILife 06 and the new IWeb program, setting up a new site for my articles that I have written in the past. I also was able to drink most of what I was supposed to and get in my allotted exercise, and get some paperwork done.

I am still coughing up air that tastes like anesthesia, which his often the only reminder of my wounds... until I stand up...

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