Sunday, January 22, 2006

Skipping Church and a Dangerous Combination

This morning I am not in church and it feels WEIRD. Even before I was a “clergy spouse, formerly known as pastor’s wife” I never skipped. I’m talking maybe 20 times in my LIFE I’ve skipped Sunday morning, and 10 of those in the last 10 years when I WAS a clergy spouse. Going to church is never something to decide, it is a fact.

I came to the realization last night when Bart was exhausted and stressed and I was perky, cheerful and babbling on and on that a dangerous combination is for me to be feeling mentally and emotionally on top of things and be required to take it easy physically. I get so wound up that I can’t settle down. That’s how I was most of yesterday.

And then again last night I could not fall asleep. Didn’t fall asleep until about 1:15 and had to get up to get everyone ready this morning. Now this morning I have a headache and should probably go back to bed.

I managed to figure out how to get everything done today. Tony’s PCA and his girlfriend are taking Tony tubing and will give Mike and John a ride to ski/snowboard today. This afternoon, if Bart is feeling up to it, he will be seeing a movie with Rand and Ricardo. On Monday, an indescribably awesome friend of ours is giving me a ride to the doctor (because I can’t drive until he clears it tomorrow) and John and the girls will ride along and then be dropped off at the mall. I will return home and get three kids, return to pick up John and the girls and hopefully, if I’m feeling up to it, all six of us will go to a movie. If I don’t feel up to it, then Bart will go back and get the three kids before his 2 p.m. “pastoral gathering.”

He has to make lunch AND do 2 nursing home services this afternoon after 2 this morning. He’s going to be very very tired.

He’s had so much to do this week he finally admitted that he didn’t realize how much I did around here. He usually does a lot, but for either one of us to do what both of us usually do is quite a shock to the system.

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