Monday, January 30, 2006

Stress, Dreaming and Counting to Sixty

Last night I had a dream that the judge in our county put me in jail for contempt of court for not filing adoption paperwork for one of my families correctly. It was a very disconcerting dream and the later part may be true, though i doubt I’m going to jail.

I have an undercurrent of stress flowing through my veins right now that is like a continuous pulsating. It has to do with work and the cabinet appointment retreat being held this week. It’s like a constant buzz and I can’t shake it. I am going to attempt today to immerse myself so deeply in work that I periodically forget about it, but the second I resurface it will be there.

I’ve thought maybe I could pass the time this week doing what Dominyk does. Last week when I wasn’t in church, one of the teenagers was trying to help out our family by keeping an eye on Dominyk. He was lying in the pew and she asked if he wanted to sit by her.

He said, “I’m already to 17 times.”

“Doing what?”

“Counting to Sixty”

She reported to me later that she didn’t get it. But I immediately did. He knew that church lasted 60 minutes, so if he counted to 60 slowly 60 times it would be over. Not a great testimony to the quality of my husband’s preaching is it?

So maybe I could just spent the week counting to sixty until the retreat is over. Let’s see, I’d only have to do it 2160 times or something like that (waking hours that is) . . .

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