Monday, January 23, 2006

To let go.. or NOt

This morning I am going to let John and Mike and the girls go to the mall in a neighboring city alone for a couple hours. To say that it makes me nervous is an understatement. Mike is a “skater” and John is a “poser” -- that is how they dress. They are teenagers. They have issues. And there is school in Sioux Falls today. So they are going to be a security guard’s focus the whole time. The girls should temper that, but it makes me nervous.

When I suggested that they not both go, it did not go well. They accused me of not trusting them, not giving them a chance, etc.

Now, I realize, that at 15 and almost 17, most parents probably wouldn’t give it a second thought, but I’m nervous as can be. John still isn’t in our custody and we have a letter in our file from our county saying Mike is not ready to live in a home setting. If something happens....

But I’m learning to let it go........ sort of.

1 comment:

  1. A fellow minnesotan. I stumbled across your blog from a comment you left on our story which i stumbled on from another friends blog :)

    I have 8 children currently, i look forward to reading more!
