Monday, February 06, 2006

Being Parented

Yesterday at church I had reasons to be crabby. From the time they got up until church was over, several children were being rude and defiant. But when I DARED to parent her sister, Miss 13 had to say, “Some people are SOOOO crabby.”

Before she said that I wasn’t that crabby. After she said that, I was very crabby. I let her know that, and she avoided me the rest of the night. On purpose at every opportunity she talked only to Dad.

Bummer for her, Dad doesn’t help with math and she had that homework today, so her first statement to me today was, “Can you help me with my math?” I pointed out how interesting it was that she was all the sudden talking to me when she needed something, to which she responded, “I’ll do it myself.”

I pointed out to her that she had had an opportunity to make things right between us and move forward, but she had chosen again to make it worse. She told me that I owed the whole family an apology.

Interestingly, the whole rest of the day yesterday when she wasn’t speaking to me, things were fine with everyone.

But I must have some kind of issues with opposition, because I don’t enjoy it when my children tell me what to do. I find myself not interested in doing what I’m told.

Amazing someone as beautiful as her can be such a snit. For some reason, putting this picture which she would hate, on a blog she doesn't care about and never reads, gives me a sick feeling of satisfaction.

Am I evil?

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