Friday, February 03, 2006

Bi-Polar Family

Sometimes I think the whole family is bi-polar. Or, I think that sometime during the night, aliens came and took each of my children and replaced them with children who look exactly like them, but act completely different.

The NIght Before Last we had quite the evening. Several meltdowns, stress at an all time high, emotions running wild, NOBODY listening, parents pleading, no cooperation, threats of sheriff calling, etc.

Last night you would have thought you were in a different home. Everyone complied. Dominyk went to bed early. Everyone else went to bed without complain. There was no disobedience, there were no meltdowns or tantrums, the house was happy, tranquil, and quiet for the evening through bedtime, and I was asleep by 10:15.

How do people keep from being bored to DEATH when life is always like that at their house? I love the variety.

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