Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A Decision that is Too Much for Me

What house we move into in Mankato is going to determine a whole bunch of things about our future. Not only will it determine our neighbors (which can or cannot be a big piece of the positive or negative picture) but it will determine so many other things.

It will determine which schools our kids go to, which will assist in determining who their friends are and as everyone with teenagers knows, who their friends are determines a lot.

It will determine who we as adults get to know and who we come in contact with during our routines, to whom we become the “only Jesus some will ever see,” and how much and how often we can have people into our home.

So I can’t make this decision. It’s way to big for me. We placed an offer on a house and we’re supposed to hear today or tomorrow whether or not they accept our offer. If this house doesn’t work out, I will know for sure (because I have a simple faith) that it was because God knew stuff we didn’t know and we aren’t supposed to live there. If things work out and that is the house we buy, I will move forward with confidence that God has worked things out for us to be in the very BEST place we can be.

Call it naive, call it simplistic, call it shallow, but to me it’s the essence of Christian faith: Knowing that God knows everything, is all powerful, and is everywhere (you know, the old omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent thing) and that God CARES about the details of our lives and will answer when we call. If God was anything less than that, why would anyone bother to follow?

1 comment:

  1. Exciting! We got news today too :) Check out my blog! Praying God takes care of all the details!
