Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I Just Did Something I've Never Done Before

I walked around our block. Now, I know you are going to laugh and think that I am either weird or lazy, but this is truly the first time I have walked around our block in the 6 years, 7 months, and 1 week that we have lived here. I have a bad back, and walking hurts it. The more I weigh the more it hurts. Tonight I am responsible for the adequate supervision of 7 children plus I was going to go to the fitness center. I ran out of time so instead I decided to tackle the block instead. I had been doing the treadmill at the fitness center and my back was holding out pretty well, so I thought I’d try it on pavement.

Different. Inclines, little hills, and we have a BIG block. Took me almost 15 minutes walking pretty quickly and now my back is in pain.

Question: Should this entry go here or is it more surgery related?

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