Thursday, February 23, 2006

I Slept All Night (and I think everyone else slept here!)

I slept for six hours straight last night, which is amazing for me. Then I went back to sleep and slept another 1/2 hour or so. It’s not quite enough, but it is better than the 4 or 5 restless hours I’ve been getting for the last several nights.

And I haven’t gotten any calls and nothing looks fishy, so I think everyone spent the whole night in their beds.

I’m off for a placement, lunch with Kari, a jaunt to our new bank in our new town to sign paperwork, and then up to do a post-placement visit, back home for a quick supper, and then off to do another post-placement visit. It’s going to be a long day, but it will be nice to be get out and be someplace different. Sunday - Wednesday seemed like three weeks instead of three days.

So there won’t be many blog entries, although I’m taking my laptop so of there is wireless somewhere convenient, who knows?

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