Friday, February 10, 2006

Irritibility and Several Children with Special Needs Don't Mix Well

Sounds like Cindy is in the same mood I am, but she has many more reasons to be.

But I quote her (changing the number of children of course)

If I can control my menopausal irritability and manage not to be provoked by 9 demanding, cranky, and ornery children then I also can expect them to be able to control themselves.

For some reason tonight I am just irritable. My cell phone is missing and has been turned off and I don’t think I misplaced it. My children are fine -- nobody is even being bad, but EVERYTHING they have said and done (starting with Dominyk’s heart-wrenching cries over his fear of a daddy-long-legs in the basement this morning, proceeding to John’s (“the guys at the ranch think their funny mom“) adolescent one-liners and jokes, on to Tony’s inability to make a decision while at the store, continuing on to Rand’s body stench even though he swore he showered this morning, and ending right up with Mike’s expectation that I remain even keeled and calm every single second of every day. Mike and JOhn tell me to calm down hundreds of times a day when I am NOT NOT CALM!

That just makes me want to be not calm, for sure.

And I have to do all this with mushy foods. I even cheated today and figured that if Cheetos are mostly air and melt in your mouth they could count as mushy foods.


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