Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Latest Update on the ins and outs

Mike got home, as far as I can tell, after 4 a.m. I had to tell him to get up three times before he actually did. I’m sure he was tired. He slept very little the last three nights.

I told him this morning that our conversation that I told him we needed to have was going to be about how I could have handled things better. I explained that it was not going to be about consequences, but that he really needed to stop his spiral before he went too far. I said that everyone makes mistakes and that he needed to recover instead of doing what he had done before and start doing what he was supposed to do again.

He responded with “Now is when you need to stop talking to me because I’m getting pissed.” I guaranteed him that if he would do what he was supposed to do I would stop talking to him and that he had himself a deal.

He proceeded to leave earlier than he was supposed to this morning without asking if he could go. And I noticed that he had stolen 2 of my 12 dead roses from the bouquet Bart got me for Valentine’s Day. Don’t ask me why. I stopped putting the words “Mike” and “why” in the same sentence long ago.

I didn’t sleep well at all last night. Am praying that Mike will stop himself before he takes this so far that Bart and I can’t do anything about it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Claudia, Your Mike reminds me so much of our Lenny, and this brings back so many memories from the years of dealing with his issues. I just wanted you and Bart to know that you are in my thoughts, in my prayers, and in my heart. Marge
