Friday, February 24, 2006

Making progress

The Matching Bash Charts are done. The Baptism video is done. The maps from the airport to the hotel to the first meeting place to the second meeting place to the hotel to the airport are done and printed. The Powerpoint presentations are done. Seven ebay packages have been prepared and mailed.

Everything I need to present has been transferred to the laptop and now I am in the process of copying over my emails and address book just in case the auto syncing hasn’t been working.

I still have another day to finish up some other stuff -- like getting my desk organized and cleaned up and making sure I am prepared for the presentation, packing my stuff, including all the technological stuff (projector, connectors, speakers).

I’ve been sitting almost in the same spot for 12 hours -- with the exception of a couple meals and several unproductive trips to the bathroom.

Everything is fairly calm at our house tonight, though, so that’s a good thing.

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