Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Pitching a Fit & the Morning Routine

Jimmy is currently pitching the biggest fit ever. He misunderstood something I said and it triggered a screaming fit that has now been going on for 8 minutes. I anticipate another 5-10.

Part of the deal, though, is that he needs to get rid of all this emotion he’s been carrying, so I’m kind of letting it ride it’s course. Of course, Bart is not here to enjoy it with me. I video taped him for a few minutes, which usually helps him stop himself, but it didn’t even work this time. He is going to lose his voice by the time he’s done.

I would post the video but I don’t want to scare any small children that might come across the blog. ANd I’d post the picture, but I don’t want to hear people comment that I’m taking advantage of my children and publicly mocking them.

Dominyk, who has been fiddling around and doing nothing for 30 minutes has just announced, “I don’t want to be late!” as if all the sudden that’s a thought he should be having. He lost his shoes (what makes today different than any other day) -- Oh good. He just screamed, “YES! I found them!”

I was planning to spend the day at my desk, but there are several things the kids have been needing, so I’m going to have to have to take a deep breathe and go shopping. Bart has offered to take me to lunch, which doesn’t have the same appeal as it once did, but it will be fun to spend some “valentine’s day” time together.

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