Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Race is On

Remember this post where I talked about feeling like a race horse in the gate? Well, the race is on. We’re moving in less than 4 months.

It was official yesterday and announced this morning that Bart will be appointed to the Belgrade Avenue United Methodist Church in North Mankato, MN. We are fairly excited about this great opportunity but are very unhappy about leaving Luverne and the people we love so much. We told our kids last night, explaining why the emotional level in the house was so high last night, and today looks like it is going to go not so well at all. All the uncertainty is making them freak out, and they better not be on consistent freak out status for four months or I will be drooling in a mental institution by then.

So, we have to buy a house, transition 10 kids (Kyle will be home for the summer), change schools, pack, clean, etc. There is so much to do and the emotional intensity of the children and the overwhelming mental list of things to do (which include buying a house because there is no parsonage) is causing me so much stress that I just want to hybernate.

more later -- but now you have it -- the official news.


  1. I'm not sure if I should congratulate you or sympathize. I'll go with my sympathy (for now) since you'll have so much to do in such a short amount of time. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know. We've got a truck and a van!

  2. The process of moving is never fun is it! And with 10 kids it will be pretty stressful! Does the church help with the moving expenses and help with looking for suitable houses for sale?

  3. I'm just getting to this! Congratulations! I'll be praying as you make this transition. I read that you are coming to Houston soon? If you have a few extra minutes, I'd love for you to stop in and meet my family!
