Saturday, February 11, 2006

"Trust Issues"

It’s 12:54 a.m. and we let Mr. “you don’t trust me” (Mike) go to the High School dance. It was over at 12:00, he was supposed to be home by 12:15. We live a block and a half from the school. He was supposed to come straight home and wake us up when he got here.

Now, I wish that I hadn’t awakened at 12:30, because had I not I would be blissfully ignorant and asleep right now. Instead I am plagued with all the old fears and questions. Did he lose track of time? Did something happen to him? Did he run again? Did he plan this? And, most importantly in my mid at this moment, “Am I going to get any sleep tonight?????”

I can’t help but say to myself, hoping against hope, “Here we go again!” I hate this because there is so little I can do. I suppose I could get completely dressed and look around town for him, but I wouldn’t find him. I could call the police, but they won’t find him either and then we’ll be right back to where we started with the county saying “I told you so.”

Well, for whatever it is worth, he just walked in at 1:02. According to him I never said a word about what time to be home. Puzzling, that there are trust issues, isn’t it?

To his credit he did apologize and didn’t explode. And to my credit I didn’t either, though it will be at least 30 minutes before I can fall back asleep.

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