Thursday, February 16, 2006

We Survived the Day

God answered my prayer and there was school all day. The roads this morning were pretty good -- some blowing snow, but it really wasn’t bad at all. By the time we headed back home tonight they were perfectly clear.

We had a good but exhausting day. I’m sitting in my office tonight, catching up on the nearly 75 emails I received today and waiting for the children to come home. Some very wonderful parishioners of ours treated them to Big Little Things at the Washington Pavilion tonight. This has been planned for quite some time so it worked well that we could house hunt today while they had somewhere to go.

I am so tired, though, that I can hardly stay awake long enough to greet them. I also have to greet John with the news that he is going to have to go to school tomorrow even though nobody else does. I could think several reasons why he should go to school, and only one why I should let him stay home -- because he was going to be very mad. We decided it would be very poor parenting on our part to do the wrong thing just so a child would not get mad. Anyway, I am way too tired to deal with whatever he is going to throw my way when he finds out.

It also appears that Mike took my laptop out of my office during the two hours he was home tonight. He had to break into the office to do it as I am almost sure I had it locked.

Anyway, back to the house news. Well, we looked at 5 houses. Fell in love with 1 of them, thought 1 would be cool if we could make lots of updates and really liked a third that we thought would be too small.

After some phone calls on the way home, it appears that we would not be able to get financed for the one we fell in love with. It also appears that we could not get a loan to update the 2nd one. So, we’re trying to figure out how to best utilize the third one, even though it is our third choice. It’s a very nice home, but is going to be smaller than what we have now.

So, I am finishing the day grateful the weather cooperated so that we could go, even more grateful to the folks who took all 9 kids for dinner and a special night out, and glad I won’t have a day this exhausting for a while. I didn’t realize how tired I would be.

now if t hose kids would get home so we could all go to bed....

1 comment:

  1. Im sorry the house you wanted fell thru. Maybe God will bring somthing else thats even better your way this week.

    Its days like this that i think its really unfair that the people who own those gigantic executive homes really dont "need" all that space .

    Someone told me yesterday of a house that potentially could have 7 bedrooms. As much as Id adore that, i cant do another old house.
