Monday, March 06, 2006

The Argument

I’m not going to blog all the details of court, but we did get custody of John returned to us.

But during court, and I have no idea why, the judge asked John if he was using drugs, to which John responded, “Yes.” He then said, “Which drugs?” And John responded, “Anything I can get my hands on.”

So the judge ordered a UA and it came back clean. Perfectly clean. So then John starts to argue that it can’t possibly be clean because he is addicted to marijuana. The Probation officer who did the UA said, “There is no way you have had any drugs in your system in the past 6 months” and yet John is insisting that the test is wrong.

All of the sudden the stress of all of the past few days, and the past hours of the ER and the house discussion and everything is becoming very funny to me and I am having trouble not busting out laughing. My son is MAD because his UA is clean and he is trying his hardest to convince me, the probation officer, and his guardian ad litem that he IS TOO smoking pot. The GAL and I were trying hard not to laugh as he was so insistent. We were trying to explain that he should be glad that it was negative.

So I guess that John is addicted to oregano or parsley or something. Is that good news or bad? I’m not really sure.

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