Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A barrage of thoughts

I'm back in the library for another half hour. Am enjoying less stress and some time to relax as well as accomplishing some things. Finished writing a home study yesterday before going to supper with my mom and the boys.

Last night I went to "prayer meeting" with my parents. It was really pretty neat to attend the staff prayer meeting at the school and meet the people who had already prayed so much for our family. They actually have a meeting where they pray. The leader greets everyone, they sing one chorus, and then there is a sheet or prayer and praise requests. People pray, outloud, one at a time, many of them, and then it is over. This is something I was a part of many times years ago, but recently had forgotten how powerful it can be. My mother certainly has the gift of intercession, and prays hours a day, and she and my dad were thrilled I was willing to attend with them.

Afterwards I finished the book I was reading (I read a whole novel yesterday, and two during flights on Sunday... I hardly ever get to read for pleasure). Then I was in bed by 9 and it felt great.

This morning I finished my parents taxes, did a load of laundry, and helped my Dad call Social Security to deterine if they qualified for the new prescription drug plan (they don't -- which means you must have to be VERY poor to qualify) and then took my dad to run errands. Rand and John came with -- we went to Dollar General, the hardware store, the post office, the bank, the grocery store, and then came back in time for lunch with my mom and her ADORABLE group of four 4 and 5 year olds that she teaches.

I then dropped off my dad and the boys at the house and came to the library.

As you can see, it isn't an exciting trip, but it is fun to help my parents and actually relax a little. The only things left that I haven't accomplished is the final copy of our taxes and Kyle's financial aid application. I believe I will get it all done.

Tomorrow we spend the day here and then head to PHoenix to fly out on Friday morning. Then it's back to the wild life.

I am so grateful for my parents and the way they raised me and for their simple way of life. It is refreshing to be with them again and be reminded of this way of living. I hope to return to my real world refreshed and ready to go.

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