Saturday, March 04, 2006

Betrayal in the 3rd Grade

As I blogged yesterday, it was discovered yesterday that Dominyk was the culprit in the “ F word carving in the boys bathroom at school” that had all the kids speculating at the dinner table the night before. Interestingly, he was not the one they thought had done it and he kept strangely quiet.

Apparently, the principal had interviewed several boys and when she heard it was Dominyk, she confronted him and he confessed.

This morning when I was getting ready to shower, I saw a note that had fallen out of Dominyk’s pocket. It would improve the quality of my blog to scan and post it, but I’m too lazy.

It said Top Secret on the front (which meant that as a responsible parent I HAD to open it) and on the inside it said, “Brennen. How could you tell on me? Why Brennen why Brennen why oh why.”

Brennen is his best friend... oh the angst of betrayal in the 3rd grade.

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